TMJ Syndrome

Temporomandibular Disorder (TMD) affects the TMJ, causing pain from muscle imbalances, disc issues, or joint problems. It is common in people aged 20-50 and more frequent in females. Symptoms include jaw clicking, limited movement, locking, and pain, which often worsens with chewing. TMD pain typically originates near the ear but can radiate to the face, head, neck, and shoulders. Many TMD patients also suffer from headaches.

Jaw pain can sometimes be linked to neck issues, headaches, or teeth grinding, especially at night. Poor posture, stress, and whiplash can also contribute to TMD. Tight or misaligned neck muscles and joints can refer pain to the jaw, and occasionally, jaw pain may occur without direct jaw problems.

Experience Relief with Us

At National Pike Chiropractic, we are dedicated to diagnosing the precise cause of your TMJ Syndrome and tailoring a comprehensive treatment plan that suits your needs. Our experienced chiropractors utilize a holistic approach, addressing not only the symptoms but also the underlying causes of your discomfort.

Don't let TMJ Syndrome hold you back from the activities you love. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and embark on your journey towards a pain-free life. Your TMJ deserves the best care, and we're here to provide it.

Office: 565 National Pike West, Brownsville, PA 15417


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