
At National Pike Chiropractic, we understand that headaches can be more than just a minor inconvenience—they can disrupt your daily life. Whether you're dealing with tension headaches, migraines, or sinus-related discomfort, our team is here to help. We offer comprehensive chiropractic care to address the root causes of your headaches, such as muscle tension, poor posture, or even sinus issues. Through personalized treatments like spinal adjustments and myofascial release, we aim to reduce the frequency and intensity of your headaches, helping you find lasting relief.

Types of Headaches

Tension Headaches

Tension headaches are common and often result from emotional or physical stress, leading to tension in the neck, shoulders, or base of the skull. These headaches can feel like a "tight band" around the head and may be acute or chronic. Chronic tension headaches may occur frequently, especially after a stressful day. Chiropractic care, including adjustments, myofascial release, and massage therapy, can provide relief. Chiropractors may also suggest ways to reduce stress to help prevent future headaches.

Migraine Headaches

Migraine headaches are intense, throbbing pains that can affect one or both sides of the head. They may include an aura, such as visual disturbances, and often come with nausea or sensitivity to light and sound. Migraines typically last from four hours to three days and can recur frequently. If neck joints are contributing to your migraines, chiropractic adjustments and muscle work may help reduce their intensity and duration.

Cluster Headaches

Cluster headaches cause intense pain around one eye or one side of the head and may be accompanied by a runny nose or eyes. They usually start suddenly, often waking a person from sleep, and can last from 15 minutes to a few hours. Multiple headaches can occur in a single day, and they often come in clusters over weeks or months. They are more common in men than women.

Sinus Headaches

Sinus headaches result from pressure in the sinuses due to colds, allergies, or weather changes. Chiropractic techniques for the sinuses, neck, and skull can help reduce this pressure. Misalignment of neck vertebrae can affect sinus drainage, so consult your chiropractor before using over-the-counter medications. They may offer adjustments, nutritional counseling, or massage therapy to relieve sinus pressure naturally.

Causes of Headaches

The most common causes for headaches are muscle tension, often brought on by mental or emotional stress or poor posture. Other physical causes for headaches include high blood pressure, hormone fluctuations, eye strain and increased pressure in the skull. There are specific chiropractic adjustments that have been shown to help lower blood pressure. If it is suspected that your headaches might be coming from increased pressure inside your skull, we may request that you get an MRI or CT scan to get a better picture or refer you to your primary care physician.

Another common cause for headaches that many of us don’t think about right away is chemical exposure. Chemical exposure may come from certain foods we eat, medicines and supplements we take and chemicals in our everyday environment (household cleaners, skin care products, air pollution). Many people have headaches caused by sugar, food additives, medicines etc. Your chiropractor can help you figure out what “chemicals” you’re around every day that might be causing or contributing to your headaches.

Research supports that chiropractic treatment can be an effective treatment option for headache pain. If you suffer from frequent headaches, schedule an appointment today.

Experience Relief with Us

At National Pike Chiropractic, we are dedicated to diagnosing the precise cause of your headaches and tailoring a comprehensive treatment plan that suits your needs. Our experienced chiropractors utilize a holistic approach, addressing not only the symptoms but also the underlying causes of your discomfort.

Don't let headaches hold you back from the activities you love. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and embark on your journey towards a pain-free life. You deserve the best care, and we're here to provide it.

Office: 565 National Pike West, Brownsville, PA 15417


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