Those who are concerned that the symptoms they're suffering from are related to TOS will find that chiropractors can not only help diagnose their condition but can also treat it at the root cause while eliminating symptoms.
In addition to feeling tingling or pins and needles in the arms and hand, symptoms commonly associated with TOS include dull to severe pain in the hand, arm shoulder and/or neck, as well as arm weakness and numbness in the hands and fingers. The ring and pinky fingers tend to be most affected. TOS can also make grabbing objects difficult. When TOS involves compression of the blood vessels, symptoms may also include swelling, color changes and coldness in the hands and arms with black spots under the fingernails from burst blood vessels.
Lifestyle modifications are also important in the treatment and recovery process. A chiropractor will advise TOS sufferers to avoid carrying heavy loads or putting any extra pressure on the shoulders. Things like carrying briefcases, laptop cases and heavy shoulder bags should be avoided whenever possible.